My sewing machine is back home and currently working well. I’m not getting my hopes up yet because the problem took 3-4 days to show back up again the last time I thought it had been repaired. But I was able to accomplish something yesterday and I’m in a good mood again – that’s a plus!
I made bindings for the quilts waiting for them – I added the border quilting on one quilt and I got the binding sewn down on another … I’m on a roll now, but I am being careful with my machine.
Bindings-in-waiting |
(left) Borders Quilted and (right) Bound |
Of course, I took the opportunity when I picked my machine up to select and purchase a few more homespun fabrics – lighter colors that I was lacking. Can’t let those good 40-50% off coupons go to waste …
More Homespun Fabric |
Spoiler Alert:
I’m about to describe a few walks and at the end I have a picture of a snake – so if you don’t like snakes at all, stop reading after the two bird pictures (you won’t see the snake picture because there is text first)!
So to continue - I guess the silver lining to the machine being down was that I did take a few extra long walks. I went to a new neighborhood where the sidewalk became a wooden walkway through a wetlands area then came back out and went back to being concrete. It was very pretty (and much cooler!) in the cypress woods and I took a few pictures:
Fall foliage on the boardwalk thru the wetlands |
Ibis |
White Heron |
Gorgeous day with a breeze blowing the palms |
A new pond with a dock (that's an Ibis, too) |
And now for the little guy I saw on the way back. This Peninsula Ribbon snake is semi-aquatic and totally harmless. It has brown and cream color alternating ribbon markings down the length of its body with a cream color belly. It feeds on small fishes, frogs, salamanders and earthworms. It is often found in marshes and cypress stands like the one that I saw this one in.
It has a very pretty round eye that is black surrounded by a gold ring then a rusty brown color.
This guy stayed motionless and tried to act nonchalant until he saw I wasn’t going to threaten him and then he went on his merry way and disappeared in search of dinner. If I can’t have a nice Black Snake (they eat venomous snakes and other creepy undesirables around your house), then I like this guy that helps to keep populations in balance. To read more (yes, some of you do) go to:
Oh, and I can't forget that I have this fun Lil' Twister project waiting for me!