Earlier this year, Ellen over at Wrap-Them-in-Love let us know about Betty Tisdale’s latest activities.
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Betty |
If you haven’t heard about Betty, you’ve missed out on a remarkable story about a most amazing woman. Betty, who is now 90 years young, has been making a difference in children’s lives around the world through the organization that she founded called H.A.L.O. (Helping and Loving Orphans). H.A.L.O. has founded schools and orphanages and taken part in many humanitarian efforts on behalf of children everywhere, but especially in developing countries. In June of 2012, Betty was in Afghanistan to open up a baby orphanage. She took 20 Wrap-Them-in-Love quilts with her and you can see some of them in the pictures on Betty’s Facebook page:
NBC featured Betty and her work in Kabul during a “Make a Difference” Special in July 2012, parts of which can be viewed at this link: http://www.bettytisdale.com/dnn/
To learn more about this inspirational woman and read a short biography, go to H.A.L.O.’s website at: http://www.bettytisdale.com/dnn/Founder/tabid/62/Default.aspx
I am happy to be able to send another box to Wrap-Them-in-Love next week with four of my most recent quilt finishes. These four will be in the box:
Americana |
Rogue's Gallery |
Boy's Toys |
Little Froggies (or was it Frog Pond?!) |
Two of the quilts were made with Ellen’s mother’s fabric (Americana and Rogue’s Gallery), and those two are made in her memory. The other two (Boy’s Toys and Little Froggies), I would like to dedicate to Betty Tisdale, and thank her for her work that brings such joy and light into the lives of children. Thank you, Betty!
Good job! A friend in BC directed me to your blog since she saw WTIL listed and said "You probably already know about Betty"
I do since I am a long time WTIL lister and I think I know you by your real name too, LOL.
This is Linda J in AL
hey..Norma sent me over and I also am a friend of Linda's...plus of course a moderator on the wraptheminlove group list..! so fun to see these quilts using Ellen mom's fabrics!
thanks so much for all you do for all children..
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