Our resident Limpkins have had a family. These wading birds eat freshwater snails, mussels, frogs, etc. and the mom and dad are teaching their four offspring to find their own food along the edge of our pond. Due to the decline of their favorite delicacy, the FL Apple Snail, they are seen less frequently in Florida (their only range) and becoming a “species of concern”.
Mom with 3 of the babies |
This guy is also a temporary resident of the pond (they move around in the spring), so the parents must be vigilant.
Wally Gator on Patrol |
So far they’ve done a good job and the babies are growing and developing wing feathers.
Dad with the 4th chick |
Speaking of baby animals, this is my latest finish:
I wrote in an earlier post about sewing some elephants upside down on this, but I recently told my On-line guild about how the troubles just kept on comeing in constructing this simplest of quilt designs:
1. As mentioned, I sewed some elephant strips on upside down and had to rip them out and sew again
2. Then I quilted some feathers – the first row of them was wonderful – the second row was an oopsie since the loops went opposite directions
3. Then when I went to take it off the frame I discovered the backing was 2 inches too short – bummer – fortunately, with this design I could cut off a piece of the top to match the bottom in length
4. And finally, I forgot to change the thread color when I was eagerly putting a fancy stitch on the binding – it is sewn with white thread instead of tan.
I’m guessing a kid won’t notice! And BTW, this quilt is modified from the design called Quick Strippie at MaryQuilts.com. I’m not going with “easy” next time … LOL.