there be such a thing as too many unfinished objects? Can there be too many works-in-progress? We have a mini guild, maybe more like a quilt
club, that has begun meeting at my LQS.
They decided that we should all bring one of our UFOs to the January
meeting and vow to complete it in 2014.
So I took a look at what I had piling up … NEVER do that ... you really don't want to know! I do know what I want to take in January –
more on that later.
I did find out I have a few simultaneous projects being made into tops:

I decided to finish a few quickly so they don’t qualify as UFOs in January! This was the 5-Yard Quilt that was begun, but
was turned into a strippie to get it done today:
detail |
is the Celtic Twist that I will be getting done this week:
is from a free block offered by McCall’s Quilting. Here’s the link.
It's all gray and raining here today and my camera is taking yellow pictures, so no more of the projects, but
here’s a photo from my walk the other day - just for a change of pace:
that little vignette cute? It’s in front
of a townhouse and they made excellent use of a small space. Now, let me get back upstairs to get those projects done …
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