Tuesday, January 28, 2020


I am pleased that I have completed my January goal for the Challenge hosted by Elm Street Quilts!  If it hadn’t been for this incentive, I don’t think this quilt would have been finished and off to comfort a child in need.  I mailed a box out today to Quilts BeyondBorders with this quilt and two others in it.  Feels good!

The Goal quilt:

The backing is actually a lovely butter-yellow with polka dots that are similar to those in the mushrooms on the front of the quilt.  Serendipity to find this backing!

These are the other two quilts that went into the box today:

The last one was one I purchased from a store that was selling store samples at a deep discount.  Score!

These might be going to teenagers so they are slightly larger than my usual size.  Hope they like them!


1 comment:

Patty said...

Looks great! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.