Shortly before we went on vacation, my mother had a slight fall at her assisted living facility (she’s fine) so that threw off my pre-vacation schedule big-time. I had to make a few extra trips over there just to make sure everything was OK (2 hrs round-trip each just for driving time) and I didn’t get as much done as I wanted to.
- I had wanted to finish quilting and box up a load of children’s quilts and mail them – that didn’t happen.
- I had wanted to schedule some blog posts to display while we were gone – only one of those got done.
- I had wanted to clean my house before we left – fortunately, nobody else did it while we were gone and it’s still waiting < grin >!
- I had wanted to order some quilt books that were from a big sale C&T Publishing was having – well, of course I did that – I have priorities, you know! They should arrive any day now …
So now that I’m taking a break from the endless laundry loads, here are a few pictures from our trip to North Carolina . The weather in Florida was still in the mid-90s and it was upper 50s in NC when we got there and upper 70s when we left there. We were loving it!
Our timeshare is at Lake Lure . This is a view to the lake and one of the golf holes.
There were lots of deer everywhere this year. We were approaching in a golf cart and this is the last of a bunch that were taking their time getting off of the cart path.
One course was apparently on the migration path of Canadian Geese. These birds are so exquisite, but they are messy if you get my drift! Puts new meaning to “getting a birdie” when you hit up to this green … these did move aside and were not aggressive.
I’m getting back to quilting today – I have an “ugly fabric” challenge to meet. Personally, I don’t think the fabric is ugly! I’ll post what I make later.
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