Quilters are crazy about stars – as evidenced by the many, many star block designs: Hunter’s Star, Amish Star, Friend’s Star, Starry Path, Lucky Star, Army Star, Brasstown Star, Ohio Star, Eccentric Star, and I could go on and on ...
And sometimes Quilters are just plain crazy. Last night was billed to be a great star-gazing night because it was the first meteor event of 2012 and was supposed to be excellent for viewing in my area of the US. Since most meteor showers get their names from the locations of the constellations from which they appear to streak, last night’s event was known as the Quandrantids (after the constellation Quadrans Muralis – between the constellations of Bootes and Draco – shades of Harry Potter!).
It’s odd to think that this constellation is no longer recognized by the astronomical community, but the name of the meteor shower lives on.
So I dutifully set my clock to go outside (in the extremely frosty weather!) at 2:30 am. I wrapped up in my faux snow leopard snuggy and lay on the walkway to our front door where the bushes blocked out the light from the streetlights out front. And it wasn’t two minutes before I saw a shooting star!! It was very clear and lasted a good 4-5 seconds before burning out … and it was eerily quiet. What a hoot. I was so excited. The following is NOT my picture but does show a shooting star if you enlarge it - but then read on ...
Image by Tyson Hofsommer, Kansas City,
during the 2002 Leonid Meteor Shower |
And then I waited and waited for the spectacular event that was promised with lots and lots of meteor scraps burning up in front of my very eyes – and remember, it was quite literally freezing outside! After about 12 minutes without seeing another shooter, I gave up and crawled back into my warm bed. Oh well, I did get to see one, so I guess I’ll stop being greedy.
The next event will be on April 22 - the Lyrid meteor shower originates from the Comet Thatcher. If it’s viewable in your area, go outside and see and be sure to make a wish (maybe that more fabric will come your way?)!!
Now for a nostalgic look back at a quilt I made awhile ago - this is a baby quilt made for a friend in 2003. Sorry about the picture quality (it is a picture of a picture) but it pre-dates my digital camera. The design is from the book “Quilts for Katie Rose”, an excellent source for baby quilt designs, and is called "Stars and Pinwheels".
Enough star-gazing. It's time to go upstairs and quilt!
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