Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Brown Bear Ready for Quilting

I finished up the Brown Bear, Brown Bear top and now it's ready for quilting.  Do you ever wonder why they design these cute tops so that the width of the top just exceeds the width of the fabric by 1-4 inches?  Of course, you don't wonder - you know it's so you'll have to buy twice the yardage of fabric to get the backing to fit.  Don't these companies know that we can be ingenious about how to piece a back to avoid buying more fabric?  The prices now are outrageous (as are the prices in the economy as a whole), so we have to do just as our fore-mothers did - we make do!

1 comment:

Pattilou said...

I love-love-love the way Eric Carle uses color. What a fun quilt you're making.

Had a similar experience with backing. Had made a quilt to 40 inches so that I wouldn't have to piece the backing and then the flannel I went to use was 2 inches short! Bought it at JoAnn's. So I measured the plain flannel purchase there and yep--2 inches wider! So I folded the partially finished backing and will make a quilt to fit. GRRRRR!

When using regular fabric, not flannel, I often put a string of blocks down the length of the quilt, a bit off center and I don't have to buy 3 more yards. Yep, they've got us and they know it and things just keep shrinking.

My gripe--45 inch batting and 40-41inch fabric. Oh well, life goes on!