I finished up the quilt top that I worked on yesterday. I remembered why this fabric was still sitting around ... it's very annoying to work with fabric that isn't printed straight and no amount of pulling on the diagonal will straighten it out. I finally got the grey elephants that show up so much to march in a row, but I could never line them up on the sides ... what a nuisance. Also, I wish I had gone with the original colors I had selected because the rust-red had good contrast. I thought I had wanted to put the animals in the outer corner blocks to draw the center fabric out, but they sort of fade away (even though it does show up better in person than in the picture). At least all of the elephants are right-side up ... that's always a plus! And now it's ready to quilt and package up to donate to
I'm on to working on to a SuperBowl Mystery today.
Nice finish!
You must have had a home ec teacher like mine--matching up plaids. Back then I remember them being stright. Now, they just aren't. My first quilt for hubby was made with that off grain plaid and it drove me crazy too, but now that it's in the quilt, I don't notice.
Love your creation. Lucky someone at WTIL.
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