Saturday, February 18, 2012

Saturday - A Day to Repent

I went for a walk this morning.  I had to.  You see, I ate an ENTIRE bag of Voortman’s Mini Coconut Crunch cookies in two days.  They were good.  Very, very good.  I enjoyed every minute, except the part where my husband said I was worse than a little kid.  Well, I guess that part didn’t bother me too much because I polished that bag right off.

I have been in Weight Watchers for three years now.  I lost the weight in one year and have been trying to maintain the loss for two years.  The cookie bag counted for 48 WW Points.  The Plan lets you have 49 Weekly Allowance Points that are extra you can use for special occasions.  I felt pretty Special.  But today I went for a walk, so there!

The quilt with the cute kitty fabric is getting its borders put on.  Here’s some progress:

And here are the sandhill cranes that I saw recently.

They are usually found in family groups (the young stay with their parents until about 10 months) or in pairs like these two.  They are monogamous.  Our population of Florida Sandhill Cranes increases in the winter when Northern Sandhill Cranes migrate down from more northern states to winter in Florida.  Yep.  More Snowbirds for us.  Although they are found in fields, pastures and marshes, they do not “fish”  like other cranes and herons.  They eat seeds, grains, berries, insects, earthworms and small lizards, etc.; in other words, a little bit of everything.  Unfortunately, they seem to be oblivious to cars and will cross the road slowly with no thought to their safety.  I guess that means that it’s up to us to be on the lookout for these majestic creatures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I knew there was something living in my closet beside some annoying flying thing I can't seem to get rid of! Still up and down on WW - also so annoying..